Lord God Allah Almighty, why it is that i find it so hard to tell him how i feel?
when im alone, i think of all the things i love about him: his crooked smile, the look in his eyes, and his hands so gentle and yet so strong. i love his sense of humor too, and the way he really listens to what i have to say..
i can talk to the girls; my bee about him by the hour. and yet when im in his arms and he whispers compliments into my ear, all that i can say is 'i love you too'
i love you. it says it all,and yet it says so little. please help me to show my admiration. to tell him how attractive i find him. to give him the apreciation and the encouragement that we all want. after all, I LOVE IT WHEN HE PRAISE ME! set me from my shyness, embarrassment and fear of saying the wrong thing. let me take my turn at being the one who kisses; giving without wanting to get-like you do.............................................
Anak Agung Ngurah Wirabawa :)