Rabu, Februari 15, 2012

the real me

if i should tell you what i really feel,would you still love me?
if i should open the door to  my secret self and let you look inside,
would you be shocked?
or worse still, would you laugh?

if you knew that im scared of your mum, believe in god, and want six children, yes! six!, would it make any difference to you?

There are dream that i have never wanted to share with anyone-- until now. There are fears that crawl round and round in my mind when it is dark that seem silly in the morning. perhaps you could banish them forever-- if you knew what they were.

Should i tell you what i really feel?
if i share my feelings with you like this i take a risk. a risk that you could use this knowledge to hurt me, to humiliate me, and so to destroy our love. But with the risk there comes a possibility. The possibility that such knowledge could bind us together,  because our love is built on trust and understanding and reality.

"there is no fear in love. perfect love drives out all fear"
1 john 4:18

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