Sabtu, Maret 31, 2012

i appreciate you

"theres is always one who kisses, and one who holds the cheek"

Lord God Allah Almighty, why it is that i find it so hard to tell him how i feel?
when im alone, i think of all the things i love about him: his crooked smile, the look in his eyes, and his hands so gentle and yet so strong. i love his sense of humor too, and the way he really listens to what i have to say..

i can talk to the girls; my bee about him by the hour. and yet when im in his arms and he whispers compliments into my ear, all that i can say is 'i love you too'

i love you. it says it all,and yet it says so little. please help me to show my admiration. to tell him how attractive i find him. to give him the apreciation and the encouragement that we all want. after all, I LOVE IT WHEN HE PRAISE ME! set me from my shyness, embarrassment and fear of saying the wrong thing. let me take my turn at being the one who kisses; giving without wanting to get-like you do.............................................

Anak Agung Ngurah Wirabawa :)

Kamis, Maret 01, 2012

kisahku, tuhanku, dan dia

ketika tuhan mempertemukan kami di atas perbedaan..
aku merasakan kembali hangatnya di cintai.
ketika tuhan memberikan rasa sayang dalam hati kami.
aku merasakan kebenaran dalam kesalahan.
ya tuhan..
mengapa kami berbeda dan kau pertemukan? 
hatiku tak kuasa menerima perbedaan ini....
aku terlalu mencintai tuhanku..

namun, sentuhan dan belai sayangnya selalu membuatku rindu..

hanya doa yang selalu kupanjatkan:
" ya allah yang maha pengasih dan penyayang,kelak persatukanlah kami dalam surgaMu, jika di dunia ini itu tak terjadi. "